4/3/2024 0 Comments PNO Spring FundraiserAdventure Corner is doing a fundraiser to cover the purchase of needed supplies and expenses. We have several BIG needs at the moment.
We are doing a bit of a fundraiser! In June our PNO prices will go up just a bit. For the next two months, you can PRE-PURCHASE Parent's Night Out "coupons" at the current price! AND...for every SIX you purchase you will get ONE FREE! You can purchase as many as you want. You can purchase them for yourself. You can purchase them for someone else. You can purchase coupons and we can give them to the parents in our school randomly. You can even just donate TO our refrigerator fund! Our GOAL is 75 PNO Coupons. We will post updates throughout the next two months to let everyone know how we are doing!!! Here's how you can help.
Our prices currently: $30/first child, $10/each additional 4 p.m. to midnight $50/first child, $15/each additional 4 p.m. to 8 a.m. OVERNIGHT Our prices effective June 1, 2024: $35/first child, $12.50/each additional $55/first child, $17.50/each additional
AuthorTerri Harr is the owner/director and lead teacher at Adventure Corner Private School Archives
July 2024
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